Petr Jan Vinš

Research interests

Modern Yiddish literature after 1815, war poetry and prose, Shoah/Churban in Yiddish literature


PhD student at the University of Bern, Old Testament Biblical Studies
Tel Aviv University, The Chaim Rosenberg School of Jewish Studies
HTF UK, Theology, ThDr.
Universität Bern, Theologische Fakultät, Old Testament Biblical Studies, postgraduate diploma
HTF UK, Theology and Religious Studies, Mgr.

Scholarships, awards, grants

Scholarship für angehende Forschende, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds
1st prize in the Jiří Levy Translation Competition, poetry category, for the translation of the Yiddish poem “Jewish Dancer
Project Erforschung der Samuelbücher, Schweizerischer Nationalfonds

Professional Experience
Old Catholic Church preacher, Secretary General of the Ecumenical Council of Churches
Faculty of Arts, Prague Centre for Jewish Studies
Yiddish lecturer, Ulpan Prague
Lecturer in Jewish Studies, Lauder School at the Jewish Community Center
Universität Bern, Theologische Fakultät
HTF UK, Department of Church History and Church Law


Centre for Holocaust Studies and Jewish Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University
Jewish Languages Research Group
European Association of Biblical Studies
International Association for Assyriology
Freundeskreis des Collegium Carolinum
American Society of Church History
Society of Christians and Jews, member of the Steering Committee
Czech Bible Society, member of the steering committee
European Association for Jewish Studies

Selected Bibliography

Bibliografie českých překladů z jidiš. (Bibliography of Czech translations from Yiddish.)
Plav, 2015, no. 6-7, pp. 78-82.

Izák Baševis a problém dvojího originálu. (Isaac Bashevis and the problem of the double original.) Plav, 2015, no. 6-7, pp. 78-82.
Moderní jidiš literatura po roce 1800. (Modern Yiddish literature after 1800.) Plav, 2015, no. 6-7, pp. 9-15.
Sionisté ve službách Dvojspolku – činnost „komise pro východ“. (The Zionists in the service of the Dual Regime – the activities of the “Commission for the East”) In: Láník, Jaroslav a Kykal, Tomáš (eds.)

Čtyři léta do pole okovaná. 1914 – proměny společnosti ve státu a ve válce. (Four Years in the Field. 1914 – Transformations of Society in the State and in War.) Prague, 2015, pp. 62-68.
Noc popravených básníků. (Night of the Executed Poets.) Maskil, 5772, č. 9, s. 8–9.
Ladino a judeo-španelstina. (Ladino and Judeo-Spanish) Maskil, 5770, no. 4, pp. 10-12; 5770, no. 5, pp. 6-7.

Translations of Jewish Literature

Sholem Alejchem – Zelené na Šavuot. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 27–30.
Jicchok Lejb Perec – Učení chasidů. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 22–24.
Jicchok Lejb Perec – Sedm dobrých let. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 20–21.
Jicchok Lejb Perec – Ó, nevěř. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 25–26.
Dovid Bergelson – Dva vrazi. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 31–34.
Perec Markiš – Básně ze sbírky Dědictví. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 68–69.
Lejb Najdus – Atlantida. Plav, 2015, č. 6–7, s. 59–60.
Jicchok Lejb Perec – Kabalisté. Okruh a střed, 2015, č. 4, s. 49–52.
Jicchok Lejb Perec – Zbožná kočka. Maskil, 5775, č. 9, s. 7.
Perec Markiš – Židovské tanečnici. Plav, 2013, č. 9, s. 8–11.
Dovid Bergelson – Staroba. Souvislosti, 2012, č. 4, s. 115–121.
Šolem Alejchem – Lupiči. Okruh a střed, 2013, č. 2, s. 18–27.
Kadia Molodowsky – Slitovný. Maskil, 2013, č. 7.
Jisroel Ješua Singer – Pes. Maskil, 2012, č. 7, s. 12–13.
Leopold Kompert – Pověsti z ghetta. Maskil, 5774, 5–6.

Unpublished Conference Papers

Literary Reflection of Hasidism in the Work of Yitzchok Lejb Peretz (Jewish Civilization: Judaism as a Religious System, Prague, 20 April 2016)
Khurbn Literature – The Problem of the Post-War Yiddish Audience (The Reception of Literary and Artistic Works About the Holocaust, Poznań, 17-18 December 2015)
Prague Yiddish Book Printing in the European Context (The Birth and Journeys of the Book, Martin, July 5-7, 2015)
The Kind Misnaged by I. L. Peretz (Central European Jewish Studies, September 14, 2010, Olomouc)

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