Die faktualen und fiktionalen Texte Jiří Weils
Handbook of Polish, Czech, and Slovak Holocaust Fiction
Cizí i blízcí. Židé, literatura, kultura v českých zemích ve 20. století (Foreign and close. Jews, literature, culture in the Czech lands in the 20th century)
Jidiš v židovském etnolektu a moderní židovská literární identita v Čechách (Yiddish in the Jewish Ethnolect and Modern Jewish Literary Identity in Bohemia)
Rozpad židovského života. 167 dní druhé republiky (The Disintegration of Jewish life. 167 Days of the Second Republic)
Šoa v české literatuře a v kulturní tradici (Shoah in Czech literature and Cultural Tradition)
The Holocaust in Czechoslovak and Czech Feature Films
The Holocaust in Central European Literatures and Cultures. Problems of Poetization and Aestheticization
Ausgewählte Probleme der polnischen und tschechischen Holocaustliteratur und -kultur (Selected Problems of Polish and Czech Holocaust Literature and Culture)
The Representation of the Shoah in Literature and Film in Central Europe: the Post-War Period
The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s
The Representation of the Shoah in Literature and Film in Central Europe: 1970s and 1980s
Der Holocaust in den mitteleuropäischen Literaturen und Kulturen seit 1989 (The Holocaust in Central European Literatures and Cultures since 1989)