Hana Hříbková


Research interests

Shoah in Central European literature, Shoah through the eyes of Jiří Weil and Ota B. Kraus, Jewish motifs in Czech literature



PhD student at the Department of Czech and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University, majoring in History of Czech Literature and Literary Theory, dissertation on The Life and Work of Jiří Weil after 1939 under the supervision of prof. PhDr. Jiří Holý, DrSc.

2000-2001, 2002-2006

Literary Academy, Media and Communication Studies, Editorial Work and Creative Writing


Masaryk University, Media Studies and Journalism and Social Policy and Social Work


Faculty of Education, Charles University, Specialization in Pedagogy

Scholarships, awards, grants


lead researcher of the grant Preparation of documents for a monograph on the life and work of the Czech Jewish writer Jiří Weil (1900-1959) awarded by the Foundation for Holocaust Victims


grant from the Czech Science Foundation (GACR) entitled Representation of Jews and Jewish Themes in the Literature of the Czech lands in the 20th Century (co-investigator)


grant from Faculty of Arts, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University, One Czech Jewish Destiny (co-investigator)


grant from the Jewish Museum in Prague entitled Let God Give Him Growth. Birth of a Child in the Culture and Customs of Czech and Moravian Jews (co-investigator)



Euromedia Group, k. s., editor and proof-reader


Jewish Museum in Prague, external co-investigator of a grant project


The Jewish Museum in Prague, documenter and secretary of the Jewish Museum Collection Committee


Institute of Scientific Information, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, librarian-bibliographer


Digital studio L-Foto, photographer



The Centre for the Study of the Holocaust and Jewish Literature, Faculty of Arts, Charles University

Publications concerning Shoah and Jewish literature

The Shoah in Poland in the Work of Jiří Weil: Translations and Literary Reference.  Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2017, č. 12, s. 139-152.

Tvůrčí činnost dětí v ghettu Terezín 1942–1945. In: Holý, Jiří (ed.): Cizí i blízcí. Židé, literatura, kultura v českých zemích ve 20. století. Praha, Akropolis 2016, s. 369–384.

Šoa v díle Jiřího Weila. In: Holý, Jiří (ed.): Cizí i blízcí. Židé, literatura, kultura v českých zemích ve 20. století. Praha, Akropolis 2016, s. 681–728.

Svět kibucu a holokaust očima Oty b. Krause. In: Holý, Jiří (ed.): Cizí i blízcí. Židé, literatura, kultura v českých zemích ve 20. století. Praha, Akropolis 2016, s. 729–760.

Jiří Weil: Žalozpěv za 77 297 obětí. In: Ibler, Reinhard (ed.): Der Holocaust in den mitteleuropäischen Literaturen und Kulturen: Probleme der Poetisierung und Ästhetisierung. The Holocaust in the Central European Literatures and Cultures: Problems of Poetization and Aestheticization. Stuttgart, Ibidem 2016, s. 79-87.

Šoa očima Oty Krause. In: Memento. Druhá světová válka. Dokumenty – umění. Literární archiv, 47, 2015, s. 183–197.

On the Emergence of the Novel Život s hvězdou (Life with a Star). In: Gazda, Grzegorz et al. (eds.): Reprezentacje Shoah w literaturze i filmie w Europie Środkowej: lata powojenne. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Scientiae Artium et Litterarum, 11, 2014, s. 239–144.

Jiří Weil: A Scientist and Initiator of Exhibitions of  Children’s Drawings from Terezín. In: Holý, Jiří (ed.): The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s. Praha, Akropolis 2012, s. 51–63.

On the Emergence of the Novel Life with a Star. In: The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1940s. Ed. Jiří Holý. Praha: Akropolis

Jiří Weil se vrátil. In: Židovská ročenka. Praha: FŽO 2006, s. 138–157.

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