The Workshop took place online on December, 9th 2021 at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan.
Programme (PDF)
The results of the workshop will be published in a collection of articles.
The workshop took place November 2019, 4th – 8th, at the Faculty of Arts, Charles University.
Programme (PDF)
The Workshop took place from December, 17th till 18th at the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznan.
Program (PDF).
The workshop took place in June, 18th – 19th 2015 at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen
Program (PDF).
Příspěvky z workshopu jsou publikovány ve sborníku.
The workshop took place in May, 8. – 9., 2014 at the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS, with the title Šestý mezinárodní workshop. Problematika žánrů v literatuře s tematikou holokaustu ve střední Evropě (The Aspects of Genres in the Holocaust Literatures in Central Europe / Die Gattungsaspekte der Holocaustliteratur in Mitteleuropa).
Programmme (PDF)
Abstracts (PDF).
This workshop took place in November 21. – 23., at the Justus-Liebig-University in Gießen and was called 5th International Workshop: Łódź – Praha – Gießen. Holocaust in the Central European Literatures and Cultures since 1989.
Programme (PDF).
Conference Papers from the workshop were published in the book called Der Holocaust in den mitteleuropäischen Literaturen und Kulturen seit 1989 = The Holocaust in the Central European Literatures and Cultures since 1989. Ed. Reinhard Ibler. Stuttgart, ibidem-Verlag 2014. 372 s. ISBN 978-3-8382-0512-0 . ISSN 2195-1497
The workshop took place from June 21.- 22., 2012 at the Institute of Czech Literature of the CAS in Prague under the title: 4th International workshop. The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1970s and 1980s.
Programme (PDF).
Conference Papers were published in the Book The Representation of the Shoah in Literature and Film in Central Europe: 1970s and 1980s. Ed. Jiří Holý. Praha, Akropolis 2012. 248 s. ISBN 978-80-7470-022-4 .
The workshop took place from November 21.- 22., 2011 at the Institute for Czech Literature of CAS in Prague and was called 3rd International Workshop: The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s.
Programme (PDF).
Conference Papers were published in the book: The Representation of the Shoah in Literature, Theatre and Film in Central Europe: 1950s and 1960s. Ed. Jiří Holý. Praha, Akropolis 2012. 192 s. ISBN 978-80-7470-004-0 .
Workshop took place in May 27.- 28., 2010 at the Justus-Liebig-Universität in Gießen with the title: Selected Problems of Polish, Czech and German Holocaust Literature and Culture (Ausgewählte Probleme der polnischen, tschechischen und deutschen Holocaustliteratur und -kultur).
Program (PDF).
Conference Papers were published as Ausgewählte Probleme der polnischen und tschechischen Holocaustliteratur und -kultur. Materialien des Internationalen Workshops in Gießen, 27.–28. Mai 2010. Specimina Philologiae Slavicae 166. Published by Reinhard Ibler together with Anja Golebiowski. München/Berlin, Publishing house Otto Sagner 2012. 160 s. ISSN 0170-1320. ISBN 13: 978-3-86688-201-0 . ISBN (eBook): 978-3-866688-202-7
The workshop took place in May, 19.- 20., 2010 in Poland at the University of Łódź with the title: The thematization of the Holocaust in European culture after 1945 (Kształtowanie się tematu Holocaustu w kulturze europejskiej po 1945 roku).
Programme (PDF).
Conference Papers were published in the book The Representation of the Shoah in Literature and Film in Central Europe: The Post-War Period = Die Darstellung der Shoah in Literatur und Film in Mitteleuropa: die ersten Nachkriegsjahre = Reprezentacje Shoah w literaturze i filmie w Europie Środkowej: lata powojenne. Folia scientiae artium et litterarum 11. Ed. Grzegorz Gazda, Małgorzata Leyko, Paweł Rutkiewicz. Łódź, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego 2014. 147 s. ISSN 0860-7443