The special issue of the journal Slovo a smysl (Word and Sense) with the topic “Jewish Literature and Culture in Central Europe” (Ed. Jiří Hrabal) has been published recently. Among other remarkable studies, it included the following contributions by members of the Centre of the Study of Holocaust and Jewish Literature:
– In the paper “(Un)Familiar Jewishness in the Work of Jiří Weil,” Marie Brunová deals with those themes of Jewishness in Jiří Weil’s works that do not reflect the experience of the Shoa.
– The contribution by Ondřej Pavlík “Anyone Can Be a Narrator: Possibilities of Hasidic Storytelling in the Work of Jiří Modrechaj Langer” aims to characterize the ways how the genre of Hasidic tale is adapted in Jiří Langer’s novel Devět bran. Chasidů tajemství (Nine Gates to the Chassidic Mysteries).
The whole issue is available in both paper and electronic form here.